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What Christmas foods can my pet eat and drink?

It's Christmas! Okay so it isn't quite Christmas yet but that doesn't mean we can't be jolly and start dreaming of all the yummy foods we can eat! And I'm sure your beloved fur-baby will be thinking the same thing come Christmas day when they can smell all the delicious food cooking. But what Christmas food can we and can we not feed Pets?


If you're like my family and always cook too much food at Christmas be watchful of those sly paws and put plates and dishes over the freshly carved meat as soon as you leave the room as your pet will be ready to pounce. 

Maybe this year you could make up a bowl for them to sit down and join in the festivity with you? Here are our top do's and do not's to feed your furbaby this Christmas! 

Do NOT feed your pet: 

  1. Mince Pies,

  2. Christmas Cake,

  3. Christmas Pudding
    - basically any foods containing: Raisins, Grapes, Dates, Currants and Sultanas. These small fruits although delicious and the taste of Christmas, if ingested by your furry loved one can cause fatal health risks.

  4. Nuts 
    - nuts can be toxic for pets, admittedly it is not all nuts but why take the risk, it's not worth it. Keep the nuts on a high surface to avoid pets scoffing an unwatched bowl. 

  5. Meat Skins and Bones
    - as delicious as they are and your pet's eyes will widen with glee as the Turkey makes it's way to the kitchen table it's best to keep an eye out for wandering paws eager to have their fair share. Although the meat itself is fine for your furbaby to consume the skin is too fatty for them and small bones can splinter and break all to easily with your pet's determined jaw which could result in choking hazards this Christmas. 

  6. Pigs in Blankets
    - in my house it's a right of passage that everyone has at least 5 of these delicious sleeping sausages. But these should be kept a good jumping distance away from any cat or dog as this holiday treat is far more saltier and fattier than a regular sausage and would be far too much for the fluffy one to handle.

  7. Gravy
    -the same goes with the rich gravy I'm afraid, be it instant, veggie or whipped up from the juices, hold this one back from your pets bowl.

  8. Stuffing 
    - best to keep this one well away from your pet. A mixture of onions, spices and herbs does not sound like the best of treats to give them. Cat's are particularly sensitive to this one! 

  9. Onions and Garlic
    - whether its friend, baked, grilled or stewed, definitely keep this one away as it is poisonous to both Cats and Dogs.

  10. Christmas Sweets, Puddings and Chocolate 
    - Step away from the sugar it's not good for your pets full stop. It doesn't matter if they are cat, dog or guinea pig. It's paws off for you guys I'm afraid.

  11. Nutmeg 
    - If you see anything labelled with nutmeg in it, from drinks to food keep it well away from your pet.

  12. Alcohol 
    - It's a big no no. But there are 'Pet alternatives' if you would like your pet to join in on a festive toast! Check out our previous blog "Can I share Alcohol with my Pet?" for examples of drinks made just for them!

  13. The cheese board 
    - yes some dogs and cats are known to like cheese but it is actually very difficult for them to digest because of the high lactose in this dairy product. 

These foods are all on the NO board because they can cause serious and sometimes fatal health risks for your pets. Keep a watchful eye out for your pets, especially when you are prepping the Christmas dinner. 

So that's all well and good I hear you say but what CAN I feed my pet for Christmas?

Human foods that you can feed your pet:

Pets At Home have said that in small quantities your pet is allowed to indulge in:

  1. Turkey and Meat (white meat is best)
    - providing it is boneless and skinless 

  2. A tiny amount of cranberry sauce
    - as long as it is purely that with no sweeteners or anything else added such as other fruits, currants or sugars 

  3. Vegetables - Carrots, Parsnips, Peas and Sprouts (At your own smelly risk!) 
    - these vegetables are all fine for your pet to eat provided they are without herbs, spices or honey 

  4. Potatoes 
    - the delicious king of the veggies is pawfectly edible for your furbaby mashed, boiled or lightly very roasted providing no seasoning has been added. 

  5. Some Fruits 
    - if you have a fresh fruit salad to prepare, maybe keep some of your pets favourite fruit to the side and prepare them a small bowl of fruit chunks for them to chow down when you are all enjoying your pudding. 


food that my dog can and cannot eat at christmas, food that my cat can and  cannot eat at christmas
(Photo Credit:

But remember no matter how cute or how big those puppy-dog eyes get, this should only be a small amount of food given so they can enjoy the festive fun. This should no way be substituted for their dinner. Human food although a fun treat - on the very rare occasion - should not be a substitute for your pets regular diet (even at this time of year when everyone's diet goes out the window!) a small treat is quite enough for them, even when your furbaby doesn't think it is quite enough. 



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